High-performance, flexibility for high torque applications


High torque and large capacity.

The VF-AS1 has the auto-tuning function that automatically optimizes the drive parameters and enables 200% torque at 0.3 Hz. Also the built-in brake-sequence function and light-load, high speed function are ideal for lifting applications.

Harmonics and high frequency noise reduction.

The VF-AS1 is very friendly to a power supply system and peripheral equipment. The built-in DC reactor reducts harmonic current and improves power factor. The Built-in EMC filter reducts high frequency noise as well.

Excellent flexibility.

The internal My Function software allows 28 program steps of Logic and Data commands. Various communication software are also available as well as RS-485 communication.

Easy operation, easy maintenance.

The Easy Key allows easy parameter settings by providing quick access to 8 most-frequently-used parameters. It also allows easy maintenance with removable terminal boards and side-by-side installation for multiple drives.